The Perfect Blogging System

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I spent a few hours making what I consider the Perfect Blogging System. Here’s how it works:

  • My blog CMS is a directory of markdown files. This way I can keep my editing platform as Obsidian. It could be any markdown editor though.
  • To make a blog post, I add front matter to the markdown file with the following parameters in yaml form: published (true/false), date (yyyy-mm-dd), and slug (string with no spaces). I can optionally add tags, and external_url.
  • I have a script that takes all the content in a given directory (my Obsidian vault), combs through it, derives the date, title, slug, etc, copies it into my Phoenix static folder in a format that NimblePublisher can render (frontmatter in a map format). The script has a couple fancy features, like the ability to create links based on [wiki style](private-link) links. It even copies over images.
  • When I’m ready, I run the script in my Phoenix app with mix, or preferably my script which pushes to main.


  • twitter embeds
  • youtube embeds
  • dynamic og images